针对鞋面、皮革、布料画线而研发的一款智能化设备,取代人工画线及丝网印刷等。An intelligent device for drawing lines of shoe upper,leather and cloth is developed to replace manual drawing lines andscreen printing.
全自动智能画线机工作效率高、节省人工成本、画线精度高、环保无污染。The automatic intelligent drawing machine has the advantages of high working efficiency,saving labor cost,high drawingprecision,environmental protection and pollution-free.
采用高清工业用摄像机结合自动定位,自动识别材料轮,精准定位画线图形。High-definition industrial cameras combined with automatic positioning are used to automatically identify material contoursand precisely locate line drawings
带自动上下料装置,只需将裁切好的鞋面随意放置在加工范围内,图像识别系统即能自动快速精准定位,执行划线任务。With automatic feeding and unloading device,the image recognition system can locate automalically,quickly and accurately,and perform the marking task by placing the cut vamp in the processing area at will.